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Space Walk – YTCracker (Space Mission).wmv

Area Mission, the most current and greatest from the Undisputed King of Nerdcore YTCracker site: Website link to obtain the album Album Artwork Sketch by Cyan


Take note: The beef among and a variety of nerdcore artist has long sinse been over, and each TYCracker and mc chris have created peace with each other. Artist: YTCracker – Song: White Warrior – Album: Rhyme Torrents quantity I
Rating: 3 / 5


Image by drunken_irishman

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15 Responses to “Space Walk – YTCracker (Space Mission).wmv”

  1. 2trips says:

    i can walk into a trap like the rebel alliance

  2. netvvrok says:

    the other version is way better!

  3. crazyantman says:

    MC CHRIS OWNS YTCRACKER but ytcrack aint 2 bad

  4. TH89 says:

    @Vaultzero Fair enough, but if you’re going to come at YTC with some technical criticisms about how the flow is bitten or something you might get a technical rebuttal :v

  5. Vaultzero says:

    @TH89 I think about music all day and I enjoy listening to it. I make music, I write metal and hip hop constantly. I’m saying people who make music over technical take the fun out of it for other people. It isn’t supposed to be so serious, it’s meant to be fun and emotional. Something that can relate to everyone, not just theory nuts. I wasn’t saying anything bad about you, I was stating we have different words for different aspects of a rap record.

  6. TH89 says:

    @Vaultzero You don’t think people who like thinking about music enjoy it?

  7. Vaultzero says:

    @TH89 We have different ways of looking at rap apparently. I hear a verse, I call it a flow. The reason I do this is because it flows with the rhythm of the song. Someone spitting a verse that sounds fluid and keeps my ears glued to it is melodic to me. Someone spitting a verse that’s chopped up and sounds like the artist is talking to me, is lame. At the end of the day, my terminology works for people who enjoy music and don’t look at it as an over technical thing. Cool? Lol

  8. TH89 says:

    @Vaultzero Melody is characterized by distinctive musical notes. Unless we count sing-rapping a la BTNH, rap doesn’t have that.

    What you’re talking about is called “inflection” and it’s very different from melody. It also has nothing to do with flow.

  9. Vaultzero says:

    @TH89 You don’t have to sing to make melodies. A person spitting a flow is creating a melody that will get stuck in your head. The same as if they sang it. If you think I’m wrong check the definition of melody, it includes voice. It doesn’t specifically say singing. Though singing is the most popular way to create a vocal melody.

  10. TH89 says:

    @Vaultzero He’s not singing. There is no melody.

  11. Vaultzero says:

    @TH89 I define flow as the melody and rhythm of a verse. It sounds like he ripped the melody and changed the words.

  12. TH89 says:

    @Vaultzero I don’t think the word “flow” means what you think it means.

  13. MrYTCracker says:

    Yea that faggot MC Chris, this song does not lie.

  14. skrilldawg says:

    (and ytc dont apologize. you are a boss and were holding it down as such.)


  15. nerdysouth says:

    as ive replied to a billion people on this video i love mc chris now im sorry i ever fought with him we are friends now please support him and hopefully he gets his new cartoon show i need to tweet about that anyway brb


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