Webmaster Chronic » Make Money https://www.webmasterchronic.com Giving You the Good Stuff Since 2k9 Thu, 26 Nov 2009 12:02:11 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.8.4 en hourly 1 Would you like fries with that Landing Page? https://www.webmasterchronic.com/make-money/would-you-like-fries-with-that-landing-page/ https://www.webmasterchronic.com/make-money/would-you-like-fries-with-that-landing-page/#comments Thu, 26 Nov 2009 11:19:01 +0000 kpaul https://www.webmasterchronic.com/?p=171 I’m a webmaster, so I occasionally find myself after a long night of wanting something quick and unhealthy to eat. So, like many others, I head to the local McDonalds sometimes. Not a lot, but anyway. They have the recession deal hashbrowns two for a dollar. Every time I’m there it seems there’s a big confusion as to how many hash browns I actually want.

I tried one order of hashbrowns (assuming that would be two for a dollar) but that needed clarification. I tried two hashbrowns (which was just as confusing for the counter people it seems.) Anyway, I was thinking I should maybe try to say, $1 worth of fried potato pieces please. That might freak them out even more.

I started thinking, though, about how mainstream McDonalds is and how they must throw tons of money at making things simple for the mass of people who go through the golden arches. That led to me thinking of drive-thru menus. How they’ve evolved. Some are too complicated maybe, but they all strive to make it simple for the buyer.

Then I started thinking about landing pages. Why not set-up a lander that looks like a drive-thru menu? The basic cheapo version would be a PNG imagemap maybe, with a full-blown version being Flash and interactive. Would you like to Super Size your resveratrol?

Chaotic Evil affiliate marketer

Chaotic Evil affiliate marketer

The Chaotic Evil affiliate marketer would rush out and get some high quality digital photos of several drive-thru menus and swap out food with product to see what works. The Chaotic Neutral might just throw it up as a joke for link bait. The lawful good would probably not have a lander. The true neutral would take the idea and own it on their own, secretly milking it for as much money as they could before it got out and the copycat gangs got it.

Now, I may get lambasted for giving out ideas like this. If not because they’re a bad idea then because I’m giving them out. Here’s my take on ideas. You give away 10, keep one. Or maybe it’s give away 9 keep two. I never remember. The point is I like to share. It makes this site valuable and may attract the right kind of audience.

So, if you like the idea, run with it. I don’t have time to play with it. It might work, though. You should be quick. I imagine if it works we won’t hear anything about it until the horde finds out about it and tries to copy it. And I guess that’s part of the overall lesson of this post. This may not be the best idea, but it’s an idea. The next step is to take it and do something with it. That’s up to you. I can’t hold your hand the whole way. I have other projects of my own I’m always tending to.



If you do take the idea and it works, let us know once it’s all dried up. Or just gimme some link love.

Til next time …

LinkRoll for this post:

Drive Thru Landing Page

Drive Thru Landing Page

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Blaze Trails, Don’t be a Follower https://www.webmasterchronic.com/make-money/blaze-trails-dont-be-a-follower/ https://www.webmasterchronic.com/make-money/blaze-trails-dont-be-a-follower/#comments Wed, 25 Nov 2009 04:04:29 +0000 kpaul https://www.webmasterchronic.com/?p=143 Okay, you’re still reading. Good. The second piece of the puzzle I drop to you is that you shouldn’t blindly listen to people. Especially on the Internet. It’s a big, bad place. It’s where the money is, though. And that draws a lot of people to the pool. It’s good to read (not chasing the magic bullet – but to learn), but don’t take everything at face value.

This goes along with the “be a leader not a follower” mantra I touched on in the Don’t Read This Blog post. At some point you have to realize that you’re only limited by yourself. Well, there are things that can limit you in the beginning, but there are ways to get past them – usually with work/time. Time is money and in the beginning that’s important to remember.

That is Interesting to Me... Really...

That is Interesting to Me... Really...

Listen to others, but in the end you want to listen to yourself. Call it your inner voice or a sixth sense, whatever you call it, that instinctual feeling is very important in the business world. Take it all in and keep what is good, keep what you can use. Always be thinking of the future – but don’t get drowned by it.

I guess this post is dashed off and I didn’t put a lot of thought into it, but being a webmaster in the 21st century is kinda like that. (Especially with the publishing model I’m currently using across my network…) So, don’t expect too much from this blog and you won’t be disappointed.

That said… (anyone watch Curb Your Enthusiasm?!) I want to try to give you some insight on my successes and my failures. There are plenty of both.

Webmaster Circle

Webmaster Circle

So stay tuned and enjoy the blog. Leave comments.

Tell your friend.

Tell your enemies.

Come partake in the Webmaster Circle at Webmaster Chronic.

Peace out.

https://www.webmasterchronic.com/make-money/blaze-trails-dont-be-a-follower/feed/ 0
Top 50 US Ad Networks – November 2009 https://www.webmasterchronic.com/links/links-for-2009-11-24/ https://www.webmasterchronic.com/links/links-for-2009-11-24/#comments Tue, 24 Nov 2009 12:03:06 +0000 kpaul https://www.webmasterchronic.com/site-news/links-for-2009-11-24/ All Ur Monies R Belong to Us

All Ur Monies R Belong to Us

Top 50 US Ad Networks – 11/2009

Datas from Revenue magazine via Ad Hustler…
One of the comments notes that Pandora is run through Adsonar aka Platform-A. That’s useful info, I think.
https://www.webmasterchronic.com/links/links-for-2009-11-24/feed/ 0
Chitika Releases Information on Clickers https://www.webmasterchronic.com/make-money/chitika-releases-information-on-clickers/ https://www.webmasterchronic.com/make-money/chitika-releases-information-on-clickers/#comments Tue, 24 Nov 2009 05:37:14 +0000 kpaul https://www.webmasterchronic.com/?p=117 2% Of Internet Population Paying For 100% Of Internet

2% Of Internet Users Pay For 100% Of Internet Content

2% Of Internet Users Pay For 100% Of Internet Content

Only two in 100 people who browse the Internet actually click on the advertisements that fund websites, according to a new report by online ad network Chitika. The study, based on the actions of 86 million Internet users over a two-week period, helps illustrate the value of an individual “clicker,” and the vast business potential that remains untapped for website owners and advertisers alike.

During a two-week period in October, Chitika monitored ad clicks of a sample of 86,683,507 anonymous individuals throughout their 60,000+ publisher network to determine what percentage could be classified as “clickers.” During the two weeks focused on for this study, 1,863,710 of the anonymous individuals actually clicked on an ad at least once, for a 2.15% “clicker” rate.

More information  available at Chitika.

Get Chitika | Premium

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Don’t Read This Blog: How to Make Money Online https://www.webmasterchronic.com/make-money/dont-read-this-blog-how-to-make-money-online/ https://www.webmasterchronic.com/make-money/dont-read-this-blog-how-to-make-money-online/#comments Sun, 22 Nov 2009 05:13:39 +0000 kpaul https://www.webmasterchronic.com/?p=48 You may have heard hints of this tidbit here and there on the intrawebs, but I’m going to try to break it down for you. Online, there are two types of people trying to make money (well, more than that but for this post only two) – those that come up with new ideas (very few) and the hordes who copy them and their techniques into oblivion. When you add that to the fact that the Internet is still changing so rapidly, it can become rather difficult to make money online. It’s becoming harder and harder in fact as ‘the horde’ increases.

Here’s the thing, though. At some point, you’re going to have enough knowledge. Oh, you still want to stay abreast of everything new and never stop learning, but there comes a point where reading blogs and hanging out on your webmaster forum of choice becomes counter-productive. But that word’s not in the vocabulary of those not making money online. There has to come a point where you stop chasing “the magic bullet” or magic formula to make money quickly and easily online because it doesn’t exist. Nope, not even in those very expensive e-books you lust after. (More on those in another post…)


No Magic Button?

There is no magic button. Once you know the basics, it’s all about hard work and growing your network. That’s it. The secret is to STOP chasing something that doesn’t exist (some magic way to make money online easily) and actually get to work implementing your ideas. Things really started to change for me personally when that lesson finally sunk in. I still like to visit forums and I read constantly, but I’m not chasing that magic bullet.

If you do happen to find someone giving out a step-by-step guide on how to make money online you can bet that technique is already saturated beyond belief. Same for e-book techniques. You need to learn to stop copying and come up with things on your own. Oh, there are the old standbys that will make revenue, but the Interenet is changing at a rapid pace. You have to be able to think on your own or you will not survive.


Penny For Your Thoughts...

I saw it with thin-affiliate Amazon sites waaaay back in the day. More recently, look at the flog thing. Someone came up with the idea then it was copied and is not pretty much worthless. Yeah, some got uber rich in the very beginning, but now the pie is spread out among ‘the horde.’ So it’s on to the next one (thanks, Jay Z) for the smart people and waiting for the next one for the horde.

You don’t want to be the horde. The horde isn’t getting rich online. I’m not getting rich online. I’m slowly growing, though, and that’s what is important. To me at the moment anyway.

So there you have it. If you want to make tons of money online, DO NOT READ THIS BLOG.

Thank you.

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