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The Twist – Frightened Rabbit

The Twist – Frightened Rabbit

Do the twist in the twisting outfit
The loose tie with, the loose limp wrists
Lift your dress enough to show me those shins
Let your hair stick to your forehead

The Twist

The Twist

Did you blush then when our hips touched?
I can’t tell, you’re already red
Am i right? you give me the signs
Is that pink mist or just lit dry ice

You twist and whisper the wrong name
I don’t care nor do my ears
Twist yourself around me
I need company I need human heat
I need human heat

Lets pretend I’m attractive and then
You won’t mind, you can twist for a while
It’s the night, I can be who you like
And I’ll quietly leave before it gets light

So twist and whisper the wrong name
I don’t care nor do my ears
Twist yourself around me
I need company i need human heat
I need human heat

I need human heat
I need human heat
I need human heat
I need–

Twist and whisper the right name
I’m David, please
The twist is that you’re just like me
You need company, you need human heat
You need human heat

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This post was written by:

kpaul - who has written 133 posts on Webmaster Chronic Blog.

poet, publisher

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erratik_ has added a photo to the pool:This is our 3.5' bong. It's the size of a small child, so that's what we call it.Too bad about my cat's hairball.

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